Pickleball Courts

• 6 dedicated pickleball courts

• Night lighting on all courts

•New Pickleball Tiki for taking a break or watching league matches

• Group classes or private lessons available. 


If you would like to join in some fun and play in the East Naples Pickleball League please contact Lisa Smith 412-670-3721 and she will be able to answer your questions. Below is all the information about the league


The above webpage that has all league info

This league is only played in communities in East Naples so no far travel is involved. Half of our games will be home games.

There are two levels in this league (2.5-3.49 and 3.5-3.99) All participants must be rated by the league evaluator and if rated above 4.0 you cannot play in this league.  There will be a continuous evaluation during the season based on your play similar to DUPR so no one can "sandbag" during the evaluation. 

You will play once a week (Division 2 plays Weds and Division 1 plays on Thurs.) The times vary depending on the community you are playing but most are 1pm, 3pm,4pm, or 6pm. The hope is to have enough people on our teams that no one will play every single week. 

The league runs a total of 10 weeks (second week of January thru mid April)


Please look at the website above and read the rules so you are familiar with them. 


Scan the QR code to learn more about Pelican Lake Pickleball!


